Your Invisalign® Questions, Answered

Girl with braces

Looking to straighten your teeth, but hate the idea of wearing braces? We totally get it. Adults may even be more self-conscious—and therefore more reluctant—than kids when it comes to orthodontic treatment with braces. And don’t even begin to talk about how finicky teens can be!

 Invisalign® is a popular alternative designed to align teeth more discreetly than metal brackets and wires. Most adults have heard of Invisalign and get the general idea from the name. However, it takes some extra research to truly understand the science, process, and benefits of Invisalign, not to mention decide if it’s right for you. Here are simple answers to the most common questions we receive from patients seeking Invisalign in Monmouth County, NJ at Cuozzo Orthodontic Specialists.

What Is Invisalign?
Invisalign is a series of clear aligners. It’s important to know that although Invisalign is indeed mostly unnoticeable, it’s not necessarily completely invisible—that would be impossible. Still, it’s much less visible than braces.

The Invisalign brand emerged in the late 1990s. Aligners existed long before, but Invisalign was the first to make them clear. Invisalign is made from thin plastic and custom-molded to fit your teeth. There are several other clear aligner brands, but Invisalign is the original, making it the most trusted by orthodontists.

Does Invisalign Work?
When used properly and for the right purpose, Invisalign has shown time and time again that it can work wonderfully. And since the brand has been around for so long, it has been able to enhance its product from the first iteration.

Invisalign is best for cases with mild crowding or spacing, without the presence of severe bite issues. As with any orthodontic treatment, results vary. Severe issues may require other, more traditional treatment.

How Does Invisalign Work?
The Invisalign journey begins with a visit to an orthodontist like Dr. Pat Cuozzo, who will determine whether you’re a candidate for Invisalign and walk you through the steps and costs that follow if so. If you do go forward with Invisalign, your orthodontist will take a digital scan of your teeth to send to Invisalign and order your custom aligners. Invisalign works as a sequence of slightly different aligners over the course of treatment to move your teeth gently and gradually into the desired alignment.

Plan to wear Invisalign for at least 22 hours per day and be sure to follow your orthodontist’s instructions to keep your treatment on track toward the target completion date.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Invisalign?
Aside from being clear and inconspicuous, Invisalign is easy to remove, so you can brush, floss, drink, and eat with ease. This solves some of the most common complaints about braces and the difficulties they present for oral hygiene.

 With all the benefits of Invisalign come a few drawbacks. Wearing your aligners all day, every day can take some getting used to—and while being able to remove them is convenient, it can also be a bit of an arm workout if you’re constantly removing and reapplying. All things considered, the Invisalign pros and cons usually weigh in favor of the pros if Invisalign is right for your needs and the financial considerations check out

Is Invisalign Better Than Braces?
Invisalign and braces both serve their purposes. The discussion of Invisalign vs. braces will be different for each patient. It’s also possible that clear braces might be a good middle ground. Since you need to visit an orthodontist anyway before you can qualify for Invisalign in Monmouth County, NJ, book a complimentary consultation at Cuozzo and learn about the many effective options available from our certified orthodontists. Prefer to read a little more before booking your consultation? Visit our Invisalign page for additional FAQs and a step-by-step look at the treatment process.


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