What Foods Do I Need to Avoid With Braces?

A young girl in a plaid dress posing against a pink background.

Orthodontic treatment helps correct teeth that are misaligned or crooked. If you’re getting braces to help straighten your teeth, then you may be wondering what types of food to avoid. Here are some general guidelines to help you know what to avoid during orthodontic treatment.

1. Sticky Foods
One of the main things orthodontists tell their patients is to avoid sticky foods. Sticky foods can pull off important parts of your braces, like ties and wires. Without these, the braces cannot work properly and the teeth may move in an undesirable way, which can add time onto your treatment. They can also easily become stuck in your braces and are hard to remove, which can cause cavities and other problems. Some examples of sticky foods include taffy, caramels, gummy bears, and gum.

2. Hard Foods
Hard foods can also damage your braces; biting into them can break the wires, brackets, and bands from the pressure and force it takes to chew them. It's best to avoid hard foods like nuts, popcorn, ice, and hard candy. You should even be careful with hard fruit and vegetables like apples and carrots, and make sure to cut them up in very thin, small pieces.

3. Chewy Meats
Chewy meats such as jerky and certain sausage can get stuck in your braces. Jerky is especially difficult to chew and can damage the wires and brackets. These types of chewy snacks should be avoided. Softer meats like baked or grilled chicken, steak, pork, etc can be safely eaten when cut into small pieces and chewed with the molars in the back.

4. Corn on the Cob
Corn on the cob is a summertime favorite, but it's not the best food to eat with braces. The force of biting into it can cause both brackets and wires to break. Try to eat corn that has been cut off the cob or try it pureed to ensure your braces are well-maintained.

Orthodontic treatment can help you achieve a straighter and healthier smile. By following these tips, you can avoid damaging your braces and make orthodontic treatment a success. You may have to wear your braces for a while, but it will be worth it in the end! Make sure you take care of them and eat the right food. Get in touch with us today to find out more tips to have a successful orthodontic treatment.


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