When Should Kids Get Braces?

A young man with his arms crossed in front of a green background.

Every parent wants their child to be confident at school and proud to show off their smile. As your child’s permanent teeth begin to grow in, you might wonder if and when they’ll need braces. You’re not alone—and if your child does need braces, neither are they. Statistics show that approximately 4 million people in the U.S. wear braces.

While adults wanting straighter teeth can certainly benefit from braces, most orthodontic braces patients are children. Timing is everything.

Average Age for Braces
What is the best age for braces? The typical window is from age 10 to 13. By then, a child has most of their permanent teeth and we can safely begin treatment to straighten them. However, the average age for braces is a generalization of an otherwise personalized journey depending on the patient’s individual growth and development.  Based on the American Association of Orthodontists’ recommendations, children should receive an orthodontic evaluation around age 7, right when those first permanent teeth are popping up. Getting evaluated at an early age allows an orthodontist to identify any bone and/or growth issues that require early intervention. While the patient may not be ready for traditional braces until they are little older and most of their permanent teeth have come in, they may benefit from appliances to make bone and/or growth corrections.

Dentist or Orthodontist for Braces?
When deciding the right age for braces, it’s important to visit a certified orthodontist for a consultation with your child. A dentist may be capable of providing orthodontic services, but only an orthodontist spends their entire day, every day, helping patients straighten their teeth. Orthodontists complete several additional years of education after dental school, including a residency and a rigorous exam to ultimately become certified by the American Board of Orthodontics (ABO). Read more about the difference between an orthodontist and a general dentist.

 What About Training Braces?
For children with a clear need for braces at an early age, some orthodontists may recommend “training braces.” It might seem like a good idea and you may be anxious to get a head start on perfecting your child’s smile, but we recommend against training braces or early treatment.

 The often-untold truth in orthodontics is that very few children need any type of braces before age 10. Applying braces too soon can not only prove to be ineffective, but worse, it can permanently damage a child’s teeth. Besides, you don’t want your child to be wearing braces for any longer than necessary. The goal is always to get braces off on time, as expected, which starts with eliminating any extra time on the front end.

 When to Wait
It can be disappointing for a parent (though probably not for a child) to hear that it’s not quite time to place braces. In fact, many orthodontists won’t offer that level of honesty and care. At Cuozzo, we always take patients, but sometimes it takes patience. If a child’s permanent teeth are still growing in, we’ll recommend the child enter our early observation program for visits every 6 months until we believe treatment will be safe and effective.

 Again, the average age for braces is 10-13—but remember, orthodontic check-ups should start at age 7 or 8. See how our early observation program works and schedule a complimentary consultation for your child today.


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