How Adults Can Benefit from Invisalign

A man is holding up a clear braces.

According to Humana, one million adult Americans wear braces. While braces are a great option, many adults also consider Invisalign treatment to correct misaligned teeth and get the perfect smile they've always wanted. Here are a few ways that adults can benefit from Invisalign.

It's Discreet
As an adult, you may be very self-conscious about your smile. When you get a clear aligner like the ones Invisalign uses, it's hard for people to tell you're using any sort of orthodontic treatment. As a result, you can show off your smile a lot more often!

You Can Keep a Similar Diet
The beauty of Invisalign is that you take out the aligners when you eat. After brushing your teeth after each meal, you can put them back in your mouth. Easy peasy! Plus, you can enjoy a similar diet that you had before you began Invisalign because you don't have to worry about food getting stuck in your aligners.

Get a Beautiful Smile Quickly
While this depends on how much straightening and bite correction needs to be done, Invisalign treatment can be completed very quickly, especially if you are changing the aligner every week as opposed to two weeks. That could mean that you can show off your smile a lot sooner!

While Invisalign is a strong option, there is some corrective work that only braces can do. Be sure to talk with your orthodontist and have them explain which option is the absolute best one for you. Then, you can start getting your smile back. Thankfully, our team here at Cuozzo Orthodontics can help fit you with Invisalign and guide you through the whole process. As a busy adult, you may be apprehensive but trust us -- getting the smile you've always wanted is well worth it. Contact us today to get started! We can't wait to work with you.


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