Is It Too Late for Me to Get Braces?

A woman smiling while sitting at a table.

According to the American Association of Orthodontics, the breakdown and rebuilding of bone can cause teeth to move. This can be more true as you age, and your once straight may now be misaligned. Depending on the severity of the misalignment, you may be wondering about braces for adults. Today, we'll answer some of the questions that you may have about getting braces later in life.

Straightening Your Teeth Are Beneficial at Every Age
While we often equate straight teeth with attractive smiles, there's a lot more to it than simply improving your smile. Braces for adults don't just improve your smile, they can also help correct misalignments that cause jaw pain and headaches. Whatever your reason for getting them, braces are beneficial at every age. When your jaw bones grow and contract, your teeth can misalign, causing issues with your jaw health and bite.

Visiting the Right Orthodontist Is Key
Adult orthodontics can vary quite a bit from appropriate treatments for children and adolescents. If you are considering braces as an adult, you'll want to make sure that your orthodontist has a good amount of experience handling the cases of adult patients. Your bones, age, and overall oral health can have an effect on the best approach to your treatment. When you meet with a potential orthodontist to discuss your treatment options, be sure to ask about how they approach the treatment plans for their adult patients. This can make a significant difference in the results of your treatment.

Enjoying Your Beautiful, Corrected Smile Can Happen Any Time
If you make the decision to undergo orthodontic treatment as an adult, you’ll have a bright, new smile to look forward to. Our smiles are the way we greet the world, and when you're happy with your smile, your self-confidence will get a boost too. Getting braces as an adult may make you feel a bit nervous, or self-conscious, but whatever apprehensions you may be feeling, shouldn't stop you from moving forward with treatment. Whether your misalignment is a new development, or you've always dreamed of a straighter smile, now is your time to shine.

We get a lot of questions about braces for adults, and the short answer is that it's never too late to get them. If you want to find out more, then contact our office today to schedule a consultation.


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